Thursday, December 18, 2008

hey there...

Here I am, ready to do my first post. I decided to start a blog to go along with my studio. I'm also in the midst of discovering Etsy. And am completely taken with it. All within only a few days.

Now I'm wishing I'd stopped by earlier, before Christmas shopping. I must say, it blew me away to see everything they have going on over there. If you're still shopping for the holiday or any other special occassion, you owe it to yourself to stop by and check it out.

Or if you're just into design, like to create, enjoy the arts or any kind of artist with a creative block, go see it. Quite amazing.


  1. Hey! Welcome to the world of etsy...and blogging. :) Looking forward to reading more. By the way, the little cat profile pic is SOO cute!

  2. Welcome to etsy & the blogosphere! Put an Etsy mini of your shop items here on your blog so we can all see your work.

  3. Congratulations and best wishes to you on your new ventures!

  4. Etsy really is addictive isn't it? Congrats on the new blog. Blogging is addictive too! :)

  5. Hi! I noticed you added yourself to my blog readings, so I thought I'd check your blog out! I see you just started! Blogging is great, I hope you enjoy it! :) I love Etsy, I browse stores and items all the time, just to see what's out there. I have my store and my sister's store on my blog, check them out if you have a minute! :) I will keep up with your blog! :)
